The UID Registry: How It Helps In Tracking and Authentication


Cyrus Brooke

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) developed the unique identification system (UID) to serve as a more organized approach to storing relevant information in order to improve the departments asset management. The unique identifier is created by linking all information about the item and its production together in a series of up to 50 characters, which can be read and decoded only by special scanners. When a unique identifier has been created, it must be entered into the IUID register to ensure that it is truly unique. This protects against the inadvertent use of the same identifier for multiple items.


The DoD details the proper process of the UID program in its manual MIL SPEC 130 and MIL STD 130. The manual addresses each compliance requirement that contractors must meet in order to maintain the departments uniform system. Unique identification registration is one of the many essential steps covered in MIL STD 130, along with proper labeling of the item itself. The registry serves as a single repository for all the data related to each labeled item. The registry is maintained by the government and is used to store the data records of every marked item, including location, date of manufacture, shipping records, tracking suppliers chain, and other important production data. The registry facilitates asset tracking and management by providing a detailed and accurate record of each items location, value, and lifecycle. This saves taxpayers money by increasing efficiency and productivity. It also lowers the lifecycle costs of managed items. It can be used to provide pertinent data for logistical and engineering analysis, and provides historical data on each item from design to disposal. Finally, the registry provides accurate data for calculating value and accountability of items, which leads to clean audits for the DoD. Having elaborated so much on the UID registry and its purpose, it should be mentioned that not all assets require this identification or registration. The government regulations regarding qualifying commodities and products are covered in MIL SPEC guidelines. The regulations and standards are the same across all industries. However, MIL SPEC 130 and MIL STD 130 also include several articles and sub-clauses that deal with exceptions. For a thorough understanding of the relatively complex regulations, it is advisable to refer to a quality online resource like Visit this site for extensive information and articles about MIL STD 130 and more.

ID-integration provides complete solutions for


and UID labels related needs and can assist with complete UID policy in accordance with DFARS 252.211-7003.

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