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Half Man Half Tree or Genetc Mutation Now Science Fact
Gregory Pavliv
Is it really possible to be half man and half tree? High school chemistry tells me otherwise despite seeing what can be accomplished in science fiction movies. Dede Kosawa of Indonesia has developed a wart-like disease which resembles the twists, turns and colors of tree roots and outer bark.
Is it really possible to be half man and half tree? High school chemistry tells me otherwise despite seeing what can be accomplished in science fiction movies. Dede Kosawa of Indonesia has developed a wart-like disease which resembles the twists, turns and colors of tree roots and outer bark. It really is an interesting sight to see but perhaps a bit premature to diagnosis him half tree.
The warts need to be biopsied by a legitimate and renowned hospital so that its findings will be credible. Until then, we can only hypothesize on the details. Technically, both plants and animals have remarkably close DNA. They are made of nucleotides which when sequenced within the trademarked double helix shape will craft and create an organism. This is a blue print to the life of the organism.
For that reason, halves of two different kingdoms (kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species) could not chemically survive. This can be seen in the issues surrounding organ transplantation. Even if an organ is transplanted correctly from a cadaver to a live human being, the question is whether or not the new host will accept or reject the tissue. Now imagine if someone were to take the bio-material of a bonsai tree and somehow bind it to someone with gigantism in hopes of having them shrinking. It isn t even logical in the sci-fi realm.
Keeping in mind that organ transplants are a relatively new procedure being introduced to the world in the 1950 s, it is possible that a rogue scientist or a grouping of like minded individuals have been engineering DNA in such a way as it could be farmed and bonded to a double helix in an effort to mutate an organism. But this is treading down the path of the X-Men and until such a time as that is something found in common reality, it simply can not be considered science fact.
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Half Man Half Tree or Genetc Mutation Now Science Fact